God's Word in Our Lives
Words are a big deal. In an understood word, my thoughts become your thoughts! And this happens almost instantly. Then you speak, I listen, and your thoughts become mine! Remarkable.
That the God who created all things, sustains all things, and fills all things would communicate with us is nothing short of beautiful. God speaks. We listen. Then we speak. God listens. Join us to hear what God has to say every week!
God's Word in Our Lives is a weekly dive into God's Word with Pastor Pete Zaferos.
God's Word in Our Lives
Heaven's Best Gift In The Unlikeliest Place
When the President of the United States visits a city, he does not stay at a discount motel. He stays in some posh hotel with luxury accommodations. Moreover, when making such trips, the President’s agenda generally does not include him spending time with common, ordinary people. He meets with heads of state—powerful, important people. If that is the case when the President makes a visit, what should we have expected when the Son of God came to earth? Not the event of Christmas Eve! Jesus is born into our world far from power, mired in poverty, and absent of any earthly fanfare. The first guests he receives are not kings or emperors, but humble shepherds.
Because God put heaven’s best gift in earth’s unlikeliest place, there will always be room at the manger for you. You will not need to stand in line, wait your turn, or prove yourself worthy first. Instead, you can know with certainty that God gave this gift—and all the gifts he brought with him—“to you.”